1953 chevy truck ad

1953 chevy truck ad

Friday, February 19, 2016

Cue The Mission Impossible Music

I had a little time today, so I decided to remove the passenger side park light.  It was rusted in place, so both bolts broke off while I was trying to remove the nuts.  Turns out the whole thing is really rusty and I'm not sure I can save it.  Here it is after removing it from the truck:

Here's a top view (that will not allow me to rotate it into a normal view...Photobucket strikes again):

I think that everyone will agree that this is rusty!  Instead of trying to go straight into the Evap-O-Rust, I decided to cut off the rivets and separate the bar from the housing and disassemble the all of the parts, then give them a soak.  Here is an exploded view of all of the parts front and back:

The funny thing that you can clearly see in the last 2 pics is the gray primer that the previous owner sprayed on everything (think back to the primered pencils and cigarette butts in the ashtray) is covering the outside of the glass lens.  That is why it looks kind of frosted or milky.  But when you look at the inside, it is nice and clear.  Thankfully, it comes off easily and is way less of a concern than the state of the metal housing.  I think that the bar is shot, so I'm going to attempt to make one over the weekend.  The front bezel and gasket are also shot and will need to be replaced.  If this doesn't work out, I may try to find a decent one online, if the prices aren't too high.

Currently the housing and bar are soaking...we'll see.

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