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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Poll Test v2.0 (Revised Poll)

Hi Everybody,

I'm working on a new post and I want to include a real poll in it to get your feedback.  Google, by way of Blogger, doesn't make it easy to put polls into individual blog posts.  Instead, they want you to put it in your layout.  That would make it appear in every post....  Not the best approach, unless you wanted to keep the data generated by the poll and then mine it for...wait for it...MONEY!

I did some research and think that I've found a way to do it.  It seems straightforward, but involves switching from the GUI that blogger uses to the html interface.  I'm not really conversant in html, so it could be a challenge.

So, in order to test my polling prowess, or my html prowess or both, I've come up with a silly poll to see if it works.  (I can't see the poll in the preview mode, so I'll have to go live with the post to see.) The poll is below, but first a couple of requests:

1.  Please try to fill out the poll.  It is only 1 question with a couple of possible answers.  Just pick 1 answer.

2.  If for some reason, you can't see the poll or it doesn't work, please leave a comment that specifies what went wrong.

I need that feedback, because the next poll will allow you, the reader, to help me decide on a part of the Gray Ghost that I'm going to work on next!  I've got the part already picked out, but could do it in 2 different ways.  I'm going to let you help me decide!

So for now, the test poll (OBTW, it anonymous!)

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