1953 chevy truck ad

1953 chevy truck ad

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pedal Car Gets Coaster Brakes, Not Much Else

Well, it's a pretty soggy weekend, again.  Outside work, of any kind, is pretty limited.  So, I thought I'd try to finish the coaster brakes, since I could do that inside.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I intended to use the bikes original coaster brakes for the pedal car.  However, since I had nothing to attached the brake bracket to, I had to make something.  I had the idea that I would use more of the threaded pipe to mount something to the side of the pedal car.  It took me about 5 trips to 2 different home stores before I found all the parts that I needed.  And yes, I bought a bunch of stuff that ended up being wrong....  Anyway, after much trial and error, the coaster brakes bracket is attached to the pedal car now and looks like this:

Looking down, it looks like this:

Now all I have remaining on the drive train is to correctly bend the iron rod into the crank shape, trim it to the correct size and thread the end.  Piece of cake!  Oh yeah, I've already tried bending 3 rods, of which one of them may be salvageable.  I know what shape I need and approximately how long to make it, but going from an idea to actually bending the rod in my vise is very difficult. The problem is to keep the ends aligned in the same plane, so that the end that gets threaded and attaches the sprocket doesn't wobble.  Much harder than it sounds.  Anyway, I'll try to salvage the latest one.  If that doesn't work, then its off to number 4!

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